Thursday, November 17, 2016

Health-geekery November/December 2016

Another ever-growing, pulsating list of health and social care links ruling from the centre of the Ultraworld and being compiled here between now and the end of the year.

As usual, inclusion doesn't necessarily mean full agreement. And apologies for the alternately grey and blue hyperlinks, which for some reason I can't fix in the mix html.

More STP analysis

King's Fund weighs in with a look at STP's through interviews with insiders in health and local government (and an assessment of draft plans)

More STP proposals now released in the area I cover for your reading pleasure(?):

Birmingham and Solihull
Black Country
Cheshire and Merseyside
Coventry and Warwickshire
Herefordshire and Worcestershire
Shropshire and Telford

Thanks to Health Campaigns Together, who are doing a good job of collating these across the country.

And the (internal) December 2016 NHS England Corporate and NHS Performance Report, while not referencing the STP's directly, provides a useful assessment of the the state of the NHS from the top, as Roy Lilley has pointed out.

Continuing Healthcare

A new report by the Continuing Healthcare Alliance, which the Association is a member of, has found that the CHC system in England is failing people with MND and other conditions.

Autumn Statement reportage and responses

Public Sector Executive - Councils and NHS bemoan 'missed opportunity' to fix adult social care
MND Association
MS Society 
New Economics Foundation - No relief for struggling households
Carers UK
United Response
Royal College Of Nurses
National Voices
Care And Support Alliance

Patient and citizen involvement in health

Reports and resources from NESTA and the Health Foundation enabling people to take an active role in their own health and care, in support of the NHS Five Year Forward View vision to develop a new relationship with people and communities.

Plus six principles from National Voices for engaging people and communities, intended to link up with NHS vanguard work and create a series of high-impact interventions.

Kings Fund research on the power and efficacy of different approaches to feedback.


The Association's evaluation of its volunteer Visitor role - around 9/10 of people living with MND and their carers think it's effective, which is pretty darn good I'd say.


Summary briefing by Neurological Alliance on National Audit Office review of progress in neurology since 2012 (September 2015 but worth reiterating here as it's still a very useful snapshot)

The MS Society published the results of its 2016 survey of people with MS under the heading 'Is access to treatment still a lottery?' Interestingly, 83% of English respondents had not been offered a care plan or care plan review for their health care.

And otherwise on the NHS

Feeling The Crunch: the Nuffield Trust asks what it would take for the NHS to find planned savings of around 22 billion by 2020 (and then does so interactively)

A range of views on how much money the Government is putting into the NHS (Grauniad)
Interactive data on Northern Ireland hospital waiting times, including neurology inpatient and outpatient appointments (NICVA / Detail Data / ODI Belfast)

Following a previous survey, NHS Providers report on (write about what you know, yeah?) the state of the NHS Provider Sector. The accompanying press release has some quite stark statistics about trusts and other providers' lack of confidence in long-term financial situation.

NHS Confederation mythbusting statements on primary care, NHS managers and competition.

Dementia atlas for England - a nice geographic representation of dementia services including data like the proportion of emergency admissions. 

Social care

Four in five councils struggle to provide older people's care (Grauniad again) 
Age UK - 1.2 million in England struggle to get the social care they need.
Care Quality Commission annual state of care report
Why one company is handing back social care contracts to council (Grauniad)
The Generation Game: spending priorities for an ageing society (Fabian Society, Bright Blue and CentreForum from back in 2015)

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) are currently doing a lot of work around the future of care, billed as the equivalent of the NHS's Five Year Forward View.


Work, Health and Disability Green Paper (more on this in future updates no doubt)

Bedroom tax

Success and failure at the Supreme Court (Equality And Human Rights Commission and Disability Rights UK)

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland voluntary sector worried about the implications of Brexit on funding and the economy (NICVA)


Chief Medical Officer For Wales annual reports
The Welsh Government's well-being objectives
Briefing by Professor Luke Clements on the Social Services And Wellbeing Act (Wales) 2014
Statement from the Welsh Government on the domiciliary care workforce
2015 UK Government response to Commons Welsh Affairs Committee on cross-border arrangements for health (a bit retro but useful)
Plans for primary care services in Wales up to March 2018 - including clusters and more.
Carer's Trust guidance on commissioning services for carers - with interesting case studies and a no-brainer guide on why looking after carers washes its face ethically and economically.

A sobering final link

Report from Joseph Rowntree Foundation finding that 50% of people in poverty are either themselves disabled or live with a disabled person

A miscellany of Trumpean links

A miscellany of post-election reactions and reflections, collated here. As ever, inclusion of an article doesn't imply endorsement of the views, merely that I find them interesting.

The Way To Stop Trump - David Cole
Moving on from Trumpgate - Anna Feuchtwang
The American election was a referendum on system change - Brian Fitzgerald
Autocracy - rules for survival - Masha Gessen
The Weapon We Have Is Love - The Harry Potter Alliance 
The Failure of Facebook Democracy 

Cthulhu doesn't grow plants...

But if he did they would probably look something like this.

Taken at a visit to the Eden Project this Autumn.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

It's great when everyone's making the same movie: an evening with Mike Carey

Last month we caught writer Mike Carey in conversation as part of the Birmingham Literature Festival

Until recently, Mike was best known for his comic and graphic novel work, most notably Lucifer. However, that may now be superceded by his post-apocalyptic zombie-esque novel and film The Girl With All The Gifts, where Mike did double duty, not only writing the original text but the screenplay in parallel.

He gave us a sneak preview reading of the opening to the follow-up to Girl..., a prequel which may or may not end up being called The Boy On The Bridge and then fielded questions from the audience.   

Of particular interest to me was the discovery that working in comics had transformed him as a  writer - it had given him a prescribed form to work within in terms of structure, length and pacing and that had helped a great deal when using the ostensibly freer form of the novel.

Mike had been fortunate with his venture into the film industry - not only writing the screenplay for Girl... but having a sympathetic producer and director who were very much open to collaboration. As he put it, 'making movies is great if everyone's making the same movie.'  

So the film got made with a shared vision of how best to adapt the original material, what would translate between media and what needed to change. For example, the book's interior lives and multiple viewpoints - the very things that novels excel at - got largely sidelined in favour of focussing on Melanie, the girl of the title.  

This isn't a film review, but as an aside it's worth reiterating what you may have heard elsewhere: Seenia Nenua who plays Melanie is outstanding and the narrowing of perspective certainly pays off.  

Similarly, casting knowledge also helps to shape the script. As Mike pointed out, if you know you have someone of the calibre of Glenn Close attached to a role you'll darn well find yourself writing for her.

However, he also identified the temptation in screenplay-writing both to over-write and over-prescribe what was happening on screen; not only do you have to leave room for the director to cut extraneous dialogue and even scenes as they go through the film-making process, you have to give them the space to decide how they want to shoot the film. And of course for the cast to play it in their own way too.

Much like the distinction between the text of a play and its perfomance, I suppose, but I hadn't really thought about it that way before. 

A most interesting evening, and worth mentioning that Mike was a lovely guy who stuck around with his wife Linda (also a writer) to sign books and chat to attendees.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Best of the Fests 2016 - acts we've enjoyed at festivals this year

We managed to take in two and a bit festivals this summer: The Great Escape, Truck and a day of the Lunar Festival. Here's a belated round-up at what caught our eye at the time and still sounds good now.

B J Barham (Truck)

This couldn't be more archetypical maudlin country balladry if it tried, but it worked a treat in Truck's mocked-up saloon bar. And what do you know, it still works now.

Find the tragic Mr Barham on Bandcamp.

Clean Cut Kid (Great Escape and Truck)

Marvellous band from Liverpool (Home of English Power Pop TM) from a cheerful chap with an excellent beard and his cohorts. So good we saw them twice - check out their video to Vitamin C.

Duke Street Workshop and Laurence R Harvey - Tales of H P Lovecraft (Lunar Festival)

Basically, if you like the idea of a couple of Lovecraft short stories being narrated breathily by a horror movie actor over the soundtrack to Drive, this is your jam.

Links to sample track and full download here. 

Have You Ever Seen The Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS? (The Great Escape)

As deleriously fun as cheap girl-group keyboard punk played in a Brighton hotel basement can be. 

Holly Macve (Truck)

The bleakest of acoustic blues, in the Marissa Nadler ballpark.

Ibibio Sound Machine (Lunar Festival)

The highlife LCD Soundsystem? 

Jurassic Five (Truck)

Hands down the best big name at Truck - breathtaking team rhymes and turntable tomfoolery. If you don't know the J5 then Concrete Schoolyard is the place to start.

Lounge Kittens (The Great Escape)
Limp Bizkit, Sean Paul and Slipknot in the style of the Andrews Sisters? The answer is, surprisingly, yes.

Thomas Truax (Truck)

Uncategorisable cult figure playing whimsical songs on home-made gadget instruments... which is way better than it sounds. Start at Tom Waits circa Swordfishtrombones and keep heading out for Neptune. Try Why Dogs Howl At The Moon and Beehive Heart, but more than anything else see him live if you ever have the chance.

Yndi Halda (Truck)

Somewhere between Grizzly Bear and Mono, swoonsome post-hardcore rock. Every track on the album over ten minutes, brevity fans!

Find them on Bandcamp here.